Because it is in our nature
to make you feel at home.

Our objective is to retain clients through our high standards of service and effective approach in regards to their goals.

Practice Areas


Real Estate

Our office serves the needs of real estate clients within the Algarve community. Our clients include first and second-home buyers/sellers, investors, businesses, developers, landlords, tenants and real-estate holding companies.



Every service we provide, from drafting a basic contract to handling the most complex transaction or litigation, is enhanced by our experienced staff and advanced technical resources. We are supported by secure computer systems to plan, research, execute, and revise whenever and whatever is required to assist you.


Notary Type Acts

In order to be as responsive as possible to your need for accessible communication and cost control, each file is assigned to one lawyer. It is this person's responsibility to understand your business, know the status of your matter, notify you of any significant change, make sure the work the office performs is done in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

When appropriate, we also seek associate attorneys and paraprofessionals to permit lower billing rates for certain kinds of work.

Probate & Wills

When you purchase a property in Portugal in your own name, it is strongly recommended you prepare a will for your Portuguese assets since it makes the process much easier for whoever will inherit the property.

  • This does not affect your will in your country of domicile but the costs of having it recognized in Portugal will be far greater than making a Portuguese Will.

  • The common type of will is signed at a Notary, in a presence of two witnesses, and is strictly private and confidential.

Family Law

We appreciate your desire to control costs while receiving the very finest legal support. For this reason, we do not confine our thinking to normal channels of dispute resolution but look for creative solutions whenever possible. This can include mediation, arbitration, and conciliation, which can often resolve conflicts in less time and at less cost.